Teaching Staff

Headteacher Mrs M Khambhaita

Safeguarding/Child Protection,Teaching & Learning, Curriculum, Performance Management of SLT, Strategic development of the school, Staffing, Finance, English Lead

Deputy Headteacher Mrs L Haywood

Designated Safeguarding Lead, ECT Mentor, Child Protection, Behaviour, Computing Lead, Pupil Premium, KS2 Lead, SENDCo, R.E lead

 Nursery Miss N Redman Music lead
Assistant Head/Reception Mrs J Lovick

Foundation Stage & KS1 Lead, Safeguarding/Child Protection, PSHCE lead, Phonics and Early Reading, ECT Mentor

Year 1 Miss A Patel

Geography/History Lead

Year 2 Mrs E Cieloch

Art Lead, DT lead, Oracy Lead

Year 3 Miss L Atkinson

MFL lead

Year 4/Assistant Head

Mr M Hattersley

Maths Lead

Year 5

Miss J Boyce

P.E Lead

Year 6

Mr M Waddington

Science Lead, Outdoor Learning Lead