The Curriculum


At St Mary's and St Peter's we meet the requirements of the National Curriculum by providing an ambitious curriculum for all learners with the aim to provide them with the knowledge and cultural capital needed to succeed in life. Our school motto is: In God we love, laugh and learn and our ethos is firmly rooted in our Catholic faith; we aim to be an inclusive and compassionate school and meet the needs of all pupils so that they can all develop to their full potential.

Our coherently planned and well sequenced curriculum is constantly being reviewed and updated to meet the changing circumstances of the school community. We plan our curriculum to ensure it provides an increased range of practical, memorable, direct experiences for all our pupils. We understand the importance of providing our children with life experience and therefore we are committed to enhancing curriculum experiences for our pupils and to increase their understanding of the world around them. We are consistent in our ethos to ensure coverage of the full curriculum for all pupils in all year groups.

Our curriculum is designed to deliver the best possible outcomes for all pupils and is underpinned by 3 drivers:

Healthy lifestyles




A coherently planned academic curriculum

Underpinned by our school values (including British values) and curriculum drivers our academic curriculum uses either the EYFS or the National Curriculum as the basis for content and expectations. We have structured our curriculum so that it clearly sequences National Curriculum objectives, Progression in skills, Key Questions, Key Facts, School Drivers, 50 Things, British Values, Protective Characteristics and Oracy.

At St. Mary's and St. Peter's we encourage all children to read. We promote an exciting passport of 100 books to read before you leave our school. Click on the picture below to see the whole passport.

As a school staff, in consultation with our pupils, we have devised a bespoke set of 50 activities that we aim for our children to complete before they leave our school. The aim of the activities is to provide our pupils with lifetime memories and skills. Click on the boards to see what our children have accomplished.